Peace on Earth


  Bringing peace to Earth

 Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men (women and those in between)

It’s the Christmas season when people sing carols like Hark the Herald Angels Sing and The Peace Carol. The lyrics to these songs were inspired by Luke 2:14. The New American Standard Bible reads, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” The MSG version says, “Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.”  

Whether you believe there is a supreme being or not, the sentiment for peace is noble.  Peace on Earth, who wouldn’t want that? The question is, how do you get there? I don’t believe the human species can wait for divine intervention. We’ll have to be proactive to bring it about.

At the end of 1922, there were at least 150 armed conflicts worldwide, up from previous decades when the number covered around 100, according to Our World in Data.  Armed conflicts began escalating in 2013 and have been increasing yearly. From 1800 through 2022, more than 37 million people died in wars.

How does a violent world become peaceful? The answer is complex; a miracle won’t make it happen. It requires the collective efforts of individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations and starts with the media’s willingness to combat the spread of misinformation and propaganda. News anchors have to be allowed to report honestly, irrespective of the bias of owners and advertisers. Peace will never flourish without a factual press.

Problem-solving starts with diplomacy and dialogue, not weapons. Conflict resolution tactics employed at local, national, and international levels move warring factions to discuss their differences in a calm atmosphere. Strengthening international organizations like the United Nations and alliances promoting cooperation on climate change, public health, and poverty helps nations compromise.

At the heart of all peace movements is a commitment to protect every inhabitant’s human rights, regardless of background, ethnicity, or beliefs. A Guatemalan woman I heard recently said, “Even terrorists have families who want to live without fear. Don’t give up hope and think that conflicts between Israel and Gaza  and the Ukraine and Russia can’t be solved.” She said that she had almost given up hope for Guatemala but improved drastically after electing an anti-corruption president who had been considered a terrorist by the opposition.

Hope requires nations to advance education for both sexes and adopt a cultural understanding that addresses the inequalities that lead to social unrest and conflict. It means promoting inclusive, environmentally sustainable economic policies and recognizing that the earth has limited resources. Hope empowers women. Multiple studies indicate that societies with greater gender equality tend to be more peaceful.

Strengthening the rule of law, combating corruption, and ensuring fair, transparent legal systems promoting justice are essential for bringing peace. It is also wise to stay alert to potential conflicts and address them before they blossom. 

To achieve peace on earth is a tall order. Our own country is going in the opposite direction. It has become less democratic and more violent. Lies, inequities, greed, unwillingness to compromise, and disregard for the environment have spiraled out of control. An economy based on selling military weapons and ammunition, one that soothes itself with narcotics and allows homelessness to exist, is on the wrong track. A citizenry that worships criminal politicians and allows the media to promote lies destroys its humanity and all hope for peace. There isn’t a God in the cosmos who would be pleased with what is happening.

Next time you sing a song or receive a card wishing peace, consider your role in bringing it about. For sure, light candles,  fill your home with smells from a home-cooked meal and enjoy a Yule-time drink.  But if you wish others a peaceful year, realize that won’t happen unless you and they practice love, not aggression. Join those who crave a peaceful society and engage in activities toward that end. Vote for candidates who will understand compromise and seek out non-violent solutions. Enjoy in spirit as people celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Yule, the Solstice, and the New Year. It is a chance to show you acknowledge diversity. Let’s ignite an era that brings peace on earth and goodwill to the men, women, and those in between in every nation of the world.


Herre, B. Rodes, L. Roser, M., Hassell(2023)  War and Peace. Our World in Data.  retrieved from

Crespo-Sancho.C. (2018) Can Gender equality prevent violent conflict? World Bank Blogs. retrieved from’

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