Twin Stars Exploding
Pandora’s box opened to reveal an explosion of reality? Can it be turned into something of beauty or will we feel scars for generations to come?
My America
I slid from my mother’s birth canal into warm arms
and smiles of relatives cradling me through childhood
Where people lived proudly free from tyrannical rule.
This country of opportunity, I was taught, welcomes
those fleeing oppression to achieve impossible dreams.
It’s an America for you and me and them and slaves.
Those captured and tyrannized need help father said
as he waved us good-by to keep fascism at bay.
In our country, we believe in democracy, not dictators.
Founders fought subjugation by wealthy aristocrats
who step over indigents begging from the streets.
Citizens should vote and elect leaders who care.
Learn not to make mistakes of the past, mother implored
as she bent my head to study with more fervor.
You can reach the moon if you try hard enough.
But, stick with your own kind Grandma added.
You are my kind, I shouted back.You and you and you.
But, said Grandpa, these spacious skies from sea to shining
sea only bless the heathy, wealthy and white.
Not good enough, I replied chanting that Black lives matter,
Women have a right to choose, Gay pride gives dignity.
America will evolve, I thought. Youth and time will make it so.
Love will be practiced, children taught not to lie nor bully,
cheat, steal or kill. Neighbors will live without fear,
and keep doors unlocked with no need for guns.
But then,
Wednesday, January 6th taught me otherwise.
Hope, shattered on the Capitol’s steps, was replaced by reality.
Intolerance and hate grew from lies of a despot we chose.
merica. I won’t have it so. . . Yet, I’m afraid.

Art is Always for sale. Acrylic on canvas paintings.
Twin Stars Exploding, Twin Stars 16” x 20”, $299
tured America 24” x 24”, $425
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