

Though humans destroy the environment, there is still hope for its revival. Nurturing one tiny seed can have immense repercussions.


Deep down, we know we are connected to one another but don’t act like it. As a five-year-old, my circle of contacts was limited to me at the center. I learned how the bones in my body were connected to help me stand.  I sang “Dem Dry Bones,” an old spiritual often sung at Halloween.

“Dem bones Dem bones Dem dry bones
Dem bones Dem bones Dem dry bones
Dem bones Dem bones Dem dry bones,
Hear the word of the Lord.

The toe bone connected to the foot bone
Foot bone connected to the heel bone
Heel bone connected to the ankle bone
Ankle bone connected to the leg bone
Leg bone connected to the knee bone
Knee bone connected to the thigh bone
Thigh bone connected to the hip bone
Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone
Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone
Neck bone connected to the head bone
Hear the word of the Lord.”

By the time I was in elementary school, I knew I was part of an extended family, lived in a neighborhood, and was somehow connected to the children in my classroom. My parents were not the only ones looking out for me; my teachers were also.  I sang; Hey, hey, hey—

“We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up everybody and sing

Everyone can see we’re together

As we walk on by (and)

And we fly just like birds of a feather

I won’t tell no lie (all)

Living life is fun and we’ve just begun

To gain our share of this world’s delights (high)

Our high hopes we had for the future

And our goal’s in sight”

By high school, I knew I was part of the greater world. Friends had pen pals in the Netherlands and Japan. I studied French and couldn’t wait to go to Paris. The civil rights movement was around the corner, with schools being integrated.  I joined a volunteer group in college that helped international students adjust.  And, I sang—

“We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving

Oh, there’s a choice we’re making

We’re saving our own lives

It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me

When you’re down and out, there seems no hope at all

But if you just believe there’s no way we can fall

Well, well, well, well let us realize

Oh, that a change can only come

When we stand together as one, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

My view of the importance of humans diminished as I took science courses in college. Anatole France wrote,” Even a little dog is the center of the universe.” That may be true since I am a collection of all my experiences and learning, and I see the world through my eyes. But, when learning about the cosmos, I realized I am much smaller than a grain of sand. I had been fooled into thinking that I was part of a dominating species that could control my environment when the truth is that I am made up of atoms and electrons that are no more important than the shoes that cover my feet or the tree outside my window. Albert Einstein told us that the universe is nonlocal and that objects are linked even though events cannot communicate through spacetime. When two objects come into contact, they affect each other. If one’s direction is changed, so too will the other.

Dr. Roger Nelson at Princeton University conducted a 14-year-long study involving 60 countries called the Global Consciousness Project to introduce Einstein’s findings at the human level. Using massive computing power, he studied the probability that 426 events would have a 50/50 outcome over time. That wasn’t what happened. He found that quantum mechanics does apply to the human psyche.” Something occurs when you touch someone’s heart emotionally becoming attached to someone. Your atoms, the building blocks of your presence in the universe, become entangled.” 

Quantum mechanics comes into play with the Israeli/Gaza war, where two countries at loggerheads have impacted the direction of each entity. The confrontation had a domino effect, spreading to communities around the globe. Just as waves in the ocean move endlessly, hitting the shore, vibrating, and transforming, so do human beings. Serge Benhayon wrote in Time, Space and All of Us, “There is no them. There is only all of us. We have this perception of the need to unify, to come together; however, in truth, we are already all unified as one, and in this oneness, we cannot help but be connected to everything else – such is the mechanics of vibration in space, our universe.”

Though we may chant, picket, and sing that the world has to come together, we are already connected and unable to separate. Our responsibility is to recognize this truth. When nations collide, they should be given a positive nudge that improves both parties rather than one that destroys lives and economies. We must understand and act, knowing we are not alone but connected.  When one country destroys another or when a company pollutes the environment, the world is affected.  The song in my heart rings out,

“The more we get together

Together, together

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be

‘Cause your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be


Art is always for sale. Nurturing is a framed acrylic on-panel painting, 43” x 84”. Available for

 $ 2,900. For information about shipping, contact me at

I look forward to reading your comments below.


Borbon, L. (2014) Quantum Mechanics. Learning Mind.

Moses, P & O’Hara P, ( 2023) Quantum Mechanics –  the science of absolute connection. Unimed Living. retrieved from

Den Bones Lyrics.  retrieved from

We are Family Lyrics. retrieved from

We are the World Lyrics. retrieved from

The More We Get Together lyrics. retrieved from