Oh, Rats!
Limitless Possibilities So many people, so many ways, and so many paths. Which one to take isn’t clear. Should we use our minds to set boundaries or depend on biological instincts to lead the way? Oh, Rats! Is
Limitless Possibilities So many people, so many ways, and so many paths. Which one to take isn’t clear. Should we use our minds to set boundaries or depend on biological instincts to lead the way? Oh, Rats! Is
Over 200 countries attended COP26m the international climate conference that took place in 2021. Its main goal was to keep a maximum of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming within reach by mid-century. The conference held promise and excitement about
Mental Health Conundrum In the1960s, I was part of a Lexington, Massachusetts research project to train volunteers to help empty state mental health facilities. After nine months of training, our group of twelve was assigned patients. Our mission was to
Traveling east from Portland reminds me that nothing stays the same. Seasons change along with the landscape. The city gives way to fields and the cliffs turn into mountains. As I ride east, I question my preference for open quiet
To Move a Mountain “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” This 2,500-year-old quote is attributed to the philosopher Confucius. It remains true for anyone with a goal and entrepreneurial spirit. Yet, we make resolutions
“I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. “– Joan Miró Interpreting art Anatole France once wrote, “Even a little dog is at the center of his own universe.” There is no single
Reminder! Get your orders in for Canvas Tree Art today for delivery by the holidays. $99 is all it takes to get there. To see the entire canvas print collection go to https://www.eichingerfineart.com/collections/182747 and purchase online. Original art available at
Sale: Add a forest to your home. Affordable, quality 20″ x 16 ” deep canvas prints will provide your home with the peacefulness of nature. Only $99 each. Purchase several and walk in the woods whenever you want. To see the entire
Gold Static The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. — Winston Churchill Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha – oh! It’s well established that humans possess an intrinsic instinct for mimicry. Frown at someone,
Wading Through Complex Thoughts Analyzing your way through complex situations is not easy. On a rainy day in 1972, I was in Lansing, Michigan with four rowdy children and challenged with keeping them from tearing the house apart. So, I started a