An acquaintance told me, “It takes twenty years to make a friend.” It’s the experiences and intimacies shared over time that build trust. He has a point, though I think the process can occur more quickly. Zach, our adopted homeless
An acquaintance told me, “It takes twenty years to make a friend.” It’s the experiences and intimacies shared over time that build trust. He has a point, though I think the process can occur more quickly. Zach, our adopted homeless
The holidays elicit both positive and negative emotions. It is up to each of us to decide whether to enjoy the season or not. The glass can be full if you want it to be and empty if you decide
In his first inaugural address, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the oft quoted remark, “The only thing we have to fear is . . .fear itself.” He said it during the great recession when the economic situation in the country
Reluctance to change Life is about change, but how do you cope when you live or work with someone with ubiquitous resistance? Refusal to change manifests itself in many ways, from foot-dragging and inertia to petty sabotage to outright rebellion. A
Who Are You? Do you know who you are? How do you think of yourself and how would you describe that self to others. I recently heard a NPR broadcast suggesting listeners state twho they believe themselves to be in
This peaceful slew is impacted by the ebb and flow of ocean tides. Coastal areas are feeling the effects of rising seas, warmer ocean temperatures, stronger storms, and altered marine ecosystems. Streams that drain the coastal range carry increased runoff
Exporting Jesus vs. Building Infrastructure Last week, I took my car in for a recall adjustment and was driven to the service station by a Lift driver born in Kenya. Talking to him brought back memories of
Creating Passion in the Next Generation When my grandson was seven, his main interest was around Star Wars. That year his parents gave him a Star Wars themed party which was attended by children ready to fight duels with their
NRA Lobbying expenditures are a hot topic of political contention, but there’s a more powerful group of lobbyists that politicians rarely mention. The NRA’s $1,690.000 annual outlay is dwarfed by the amount spent by military contractors to influence members of
#FestivalWisdom After four days of frolicking, dancing, swimming and talking to visitors in my “Do You Need A Mother Booth?” I returned home from Shift Festival impressed with the dreams, creativity, and desires young adults have to live purposefully in