Why Water?
The Water Factor: A Rightfully Mine Novel is a thriller with all it takes to motivate young adults to protect their right to clean air and water, which will be lost if they do nothing. James Hokama Byrne is an
The Water Factor: A Rightfully Mine Novel is a thriller with all it takes to motivate young adults to protect their right to clean air and water, which will be lost if they do nothing. James Hokama Byrne is an
Twin Stars‘The sky is falling in,” said Chicken Little. On the PBS television show The Newshour with Jim Lehrer he spoke to Dr. Ho Young about the phrase, May you live in interesting times. Young explained that “interesting,” rather than
SEE ALLWhat does this painting say to you? Show it to friends and see what they say. Do some look at the details, others the shapes? Are there people who don’t want to look at it? Do they prefer the
Hope Exploding According to a 2023 Gallup poll, about three in four Americans identify with a specific religious faith; twenty-two percent say they have no religious preference. When asked if they believe in their religious teachings, forty-seven percent say yes,
A Family in a Turkish Village While studying anthropology at Boston University, I acquired tools that helped me navigate America’s melting pot. Viewing workplaces and social environments as unique cultures influenced how I interacted with staff and managed my business.
Hope those of you in Portland can make it. The discussion is bound to be lively. UPCOMING EVENT: Reading and discussion from The Water Factor on March 13th. For information, go to https://annieblooms.com/event/2025-03-13/reading-marilynne-eichinger-water-factor. Weaponizing Information Disinformation or propaganda has been used
Artificial Intelligence was far from my mind when the Rose Bowl game started on January 1st. I’m not a major football fan, but since the University of Oregon was playing against Ohio, I wanted to root them on and see
Despite my anxiety over U.S. politics, I welcomed the New Year with fingers crossed. I hope the country’s anger will subside and neighbors become civil and caring. My New Year’s wish is for a peaceful resolution to war in the
We have reached the season of cold, long nights in a cycle luring us to slow down and conserve energy for the lengthening days ahead. The Solstice arrives with regularity, marking the change from fall to winter and ushering in
MOTOROLA’ S DYNATAC IBM’s SIMON Seeing how my nine and thirteen-year-old grandchildren are attached to their cell phones has me concerned. The sophisticated miniature computers they text with have taken over their lives. They spend hours playing games and communicating
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