Solar Systems Acrylic Painting, 176”x 20” , $299
Alien Invasion
Recently I was reminded of an event that occurred many years ago. It was something I saw with my own eyes in early November that took me by surprise, and it occurred just as I imagined it might.
It was early morning on a partially cloudy day with the sun trying to break through few a remaining wimpy clouds when I first noticed a round shinny space ship in the field behind my house. The top was pointy and the center circumference looked wide enough to carry a few bodies. It must have arrived the previous evening because it had already touched down and was resting, balanced on two stilt like appendages. There appeared to be articulations that bent back and forth from time to time midway down the columns. As I watched, the stilts began to vibrate and the vehicle started to move forward awkwardly over the uncut grass. It’s slow robotic motion caused it to sway side to side and I wondered about its safety. At any moment it could fall and shatter and I wasn’t prepared to rescue the creatures I assumed would be inside.
Slowly it vanished behind a tree and though I went looking for it, there was no trace of the sighting. I wondered if there was an invisible shield surrounding the ship that could be turned on when it went into hiding. I didn’t tell anyone about what I saw because I was sure I would be labeled as crazy. The phenomenon seemed unbelievable even to me.
Then, one week later, while on my back porch, it appeared again. This time it was perfectly still with a rush of water coming out of it’s vent as though it sprang a leak. I asked myself what would happen if it lost so much fluid that it could not cool its engines. Everyone knows that a car will not run with a cracked radiator and I thought that this might be the case for the space ship. It appeared to be frozen in its spot, unable to move.
After watching for five minutes I panicked . . . it was time to call the authorities. I grabbed my cell phone, observant the entire time while it folded its appendages below and rested on the earth. It wasn’t long before flashing lights and a loud siren announced that my call was taken seriously. I learned later that there had been a series of sightings and the authorities had been busy searching for aliens throughout the town. It was believed that an advanced force had been sent to scout our planet, but so far the speculation had been hidden from the press.
Carefully the ship was lifted by eight strong arms into a large white truck and whipped away, this time without sirens drawing attention to what was happening due to concern that the public might panic.
“Aliens! Hard to believe ! Could it be true?” I asked myself.
My excitement was increasing as I watched this opportunity of a lifetime unfold, so I ran to my car and followed the truck as it wound through plowed fields and a nearby neighborhood to the highway. After several miles of trying to keep up with their speeding pace I saw the white vehicle pull off the road and head for an innocuous building high on a hill. It landed at a door with blurry red lettering over it that was there for one reason only, hiding the most secretive operations. Not wanting to be noticed, I parked across the street and ran towards the entrance.
Green clad operatives using a lifting devise quickly moved the ship out of the truck onto a dolly and through the entrance. I snuck in the building shielded by flowers when no one was looking, planning to follow the course of the ship. In the halls I passed a cart that held a similar green outfit like those that were worn by scurrying operatives. I grabbed a set and I put it on over my clothing so I could blend in with the rest of the authorities.
They moved quickly as though time was of the essence, worried that the space ship was ready to open. I wondered what was inside. Would it talk like us? Be ugly or beautiful? Was it going to be good and enlightening or aggressive and take us into their control?
“What would happen if the alien liked life on earth? Would more follow and take over the world? Would earthlings wind up being slaves to their every need, having to feed, clean and care for them?
As I was asking myself these questions I noticed that the head scientist arrived in the room wearing white gloves. He appeared to be taking measurements and recording data. Each time he approached the ship there was a reaction that induced a loud out of world shriek that sounded like machinery needing to be oiled. The activity of measuring, recording, and its resultant high pitched squeal went on for some time and I was getting tense scrutinizing activities from my hiding place.
Suddenly there was a different kind of movement and the ship was surrounded by more green clad bodies. They lifted it off its dolly onto another platform and moved it down the hall into a secure room. I followed as discretely as possible and in the confusion was able to sneak inside. The scene was mesmerizing. Slowly the doors of the space ship opened and a creature with a large furry head inched its way forward. Then with a swoosh it fell from the space ship and a wrinkled screaming alien arrived on the scene, caught in the arms of the head scientist.
There was action all around as the authorities grabbed the body in order to study it. It was washed and wrapped as though it was a precious discovery that would be examined over the years. With the chatter in the room I understood that no one really comprehended what this alien’s arrival would mean to mankind. It was a special find, however, and it was going to be held in some esteem by the authority who claimed it.
I snuck out of the room and went home to contemplate what I had seen and wonder about the future. How we reacted to the alien, nurtured it, and introduced it to our culture held the secret to whether this was a good or bad invasion. The experience overwhelmed me and I could hardly wait until an alien visited my house. I had heard that there was a 9 month waiting list but I had patience. And so, it happened in that way, arriving shortly after Thanksgiving.
I tell this remembrance that occurred 50 years ago when this sighting affected me as I waited in anticipation for my next alien. She arrived in early December and now happily showers me with creatures of her own creation who visit over the holidays.
Dedicated to parents, friends and relatives who will have numerous “aliens” visiting their homes during Thanksgiving.
Art work is always for sale. To see more go to or contact me at
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Alien Invasion
Recently I was reminded of an event that occurred many years ago. It was something I saw with my own eyes in early November that took me by surprise, and it occurred just as I imagined it might.
It was early morning on a partially cloudy day with the sun trying to break through few a remaining wimpy clouds when I first noticed a round shinny space ship in the field behind my house. The top was pointy and the center circumference looked wide enough to carry a few bodies. It must have arrived the previous evening because it had already touched down and was resting, balanced on two stilt like appendages. There appeared to be articulations that bent back and forth from time to time midway down the columns. As I watched, the stilts began to vibrate and the vehicle started to move forward awkwardly over the uncut grass. It’s slow robotic motion caused it to sway side to side and I wondered about its safety. At any moment it could fall and shatter and I wasn’t prepared to rescue the creatures I assumed would be inside.
Slowly it vanished behind a tree and though I went looking for it, there was no trace of the sighting. I wondered if there was an invisible shield surrounding the ship that could be turned on when it went into hiding. I didn’t tell anyone about what I saw because I was sure I would be labeled as crazy. The phenomenon seemed unbelievable even to me.
Then, one week later, while on my back porch, it appeared again. This time it was perfectly still with a rush of water coming out of it’s vent as though it sprang a leak. I asked myself what would happen if it lost so much fluid that it could not cool its engines. Everyone knows that a car will not run with a cracked radiator and I thought that this might be the case for the space ship. It appeared to be frozen in its spot, unable to move.
After watching for five minutes I panicked . . . it was time to call the authorities. I grabbed my cell phone, observant the entire time while it folded its appendages below and rested on the earth. It wasn’t long before flashing lights and a loud siren announced that my call was taken seriously. I learned later that there had been a series of sightings and the authorities had been busy searching for aliens throughout the town. It was believed that an advanced force had been sent to scout our planet, but so far the speculation had been hidden from the press.
Carefully the ship was lifted by eight strong arms into a large white truck and whipped away, this time without sirens drawing attention to what was happening due to concern that the public might panic.
“Aliens! Hard to believe ! Could it be true?” I asked myself.
My excitement was increasing as I watched this opportunity of a lifetime unfold, so I ran to my car and followed the truck as it wound through plowed fields and a nearby neighborhood to the highway. After several miles of trying to keep up with their speeding pace I saw the white vehicle pull off the road and head for an innocuous building high on a hill. It landed at a door with blurry red lettering over it that was there for one reason only, hiding the most secretive operations. Not wanting to be noticed, I parked across the street and ran towards the entrance.
Green clad operatives using a lifting devise quickly moved the ship out of the truck onto a dolly and through the entrance. I snuck in the building shielded by flowers when no one was looking, planning to follow the course of the ship. In the halls I passed a cart that held a similar green outfit like those that were worn by scurrying operatives. I grabbed a set and I put it on over my clothing so I could blend in with the rest of the authorities.
They moved quickly as though time was of the essence, worried that the space ship was ready to open. I wondered what was inside. Would it talk like us? Be ugly or beautiful? Was it going to be good and enlightening or aggressive and take us into their control?
“What would happen if the alien liked life on earth? Would more follow and take over the world? Would earthlings wind up being slaves to their every need, having to feed, clean and care for them?
As I was asking myself these questions I noticed that the head scientist arrived in the room wearing white gloves. He appeared to be taking measurements and recording data. Each time he approached the ship there was a reaction that induced a loud out of world shriek that sounded like machinery needing to be oiled. The activity of measuring, recording, and its resultant high pitched squeal went on for some time and I was getting tense scrutinizing activities from my hiding place.
Suddenly there was a different kind of movement and the ship was surrounded by more green clad bodies. They lifted it off its dolly onto another platform and moved it down the hall into a secure room. I followed as discretely as possible and in the confusion was able to sneak inside. The scene was mesmerizing. Slowly the doors of the space ship opened and a creature with a large furry head inched its way forward. Then with a swoosh it fell from the space ship and a wrinkled screaming alien arrived on the scene, caught in the arms of the head scientist.
There was action all around as the authorities grabbed the body in order to study it. It was washed and wrapped as though it was a precious discovery that would be examined over the years. With the chatter in the room I understood that no one really comprehended what this alien’s arrival would mean to mankind. It was a special find, however, and it was going to be held in some esteem by the authority who claimed it.
I snuck out of the room and went home to contemplate what I had seen and wonder about the future. How we reacted to the alien, nurtured it, and introduced it to our culture held the secret to whether this was a good or bad invasion. The experience overwhelmed me and I could hardly wait until an alien visited my house. I had heard that there was a 9 month waiting list but I had patience. And so, it happened in that way, arriving shortly after Thanksgiving.
I tell this remembrance that occurred 50 years ago when this sighting affected me as I waited in anticipation for my next alien. She arrived in early December and now happily showers me with creatures of her own creation who visit over the holidays.
Dedicated to parents, friends and relatives who will have numerous “aliens” visiting their homes during Thanksgiving.
Art work is always for sale. To see more go to or contact me at
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