Marilynne Eichinger

About Marilynne

About the Author

Marilynne Eichinger

 Marilynne Eichinger received her undergraduate degree in anthropology/sociology from Boston University and a master’s degree in psychology from Michigan State University. Business acumen was learned on the job as founder of the Impression 5 Science Museum in Lansing, MI, President of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, and publisher of The Museum Tour Catalog, circulating to over a million households annually. She served on many community boards over the years. Eichinger is currently a Unitarian Lay minister and a member of Community for Earth, an environmental action group. Eichinger is a prolific blogger with a weekly newsletter linked to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Her acrylic paintings are featured in her blogs and art website at

The Water Factor follows on the heels of two non-fiction books. Lives of Museum Junkies, a Mid-West Book Reward winner, and a Chanticleer honorable mention recipient, includes autobiographical and biographical accounts of the men and women who expanded twelve science centers to create a worldwide movement. Over the Peanut Fence, about homeless and runaway youth, is a personal account of what happened when she took home a homeless twenty-year youth and helped him become a contributing member of society. It includes interviews with agency directors and volunteers who work with disadvantaged youth. It was recognized by Books for Better Living. As an expert in interactive museum education, she contributed to Homeostasis and Novelty (2018), edited by Phillis Katz and Lucy Avraamidou.