Marriage Controversy

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First Fight
Acrylic Painting 36” x 25” : $ 425.
Anger can underline an issue but if not dealt with in a timely manner it festers over time and becomes destructive.

Finding a solution

The issue of gay marriage has been controversial for much too long. It seems to me that there is a simple solution that should take it out of the realm of moral imperatives and put it in its rightful societal place. This subject does not have to be such an emotional and divisive one.

If our country really accepts the doctrine of separation of church and state then why not get government out of the business of issuing marriage certificates? It would take the sting out of the word “marriage” if a civil license was given to any two people who found it beneficial to live together in an economic union. Rights would be spelled out involving health benefits, social security, hospital visitations, ownership of property and children. The license would be a binding agreement that clarifies legal instead of moral responsibilities. The couple would not have to declare themselves to be pillow partners. Those issuing government licenses would not have their religious beliefs called into question.

Instead it would be up to the churches to issue marriage licenses. In this way, a religion that preaches that marriage is between a man and a woman, would have the right to follow its conviction. One with a more liberal interpretation could condone gay marriages. Followers of each denomination would feel satisfied that their beliefs were being fully taken into account. A government clerk would not be asked to act against his or her beliefs.

There are many people besides marriageable male-female or gay couples who might benefit from a civil license. I know of older  people who have lost their spouses. Not wanting to remarry, they might benefit from a legal document to bind their current co-habitation situation. It may be that they are living with another man or woman of the same or opposite sex purely for economic and friendship reasons.

Others who might benefit are  those who are asexual or severely handicapped individuals who may prefer not to marry yet want to live  with a partner without being looked at in a questioning way.  There are many gay men or lesbian women who prefer to reside with someone of the opposite sex even though their relationship is asexual. They may be the best of friends who are devoted to the wellbeing of their chosen companion.   Various relationships that are presently studded with emotional and complex innuendos could benefit from the more tolerant approach of a civil union . . . one that is not burdened by a definition that challenges our Judeo-Christian heritage.

Since this is a controversial subject I would appreciate hearing your opinions.

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